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Posted by: marwickkgp at 06:06 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 178 words, total size 1 kb.

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Post contains 204 words, total size 1 kb.

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Posted by: marwickkgp at 06:04 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 204 words, total size 1 kb.

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Post contains 231 words, total size 2 kb.

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Posted by: marwickkgp at 02:07 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 211 words, total size 1 kb.

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Post contains 220 words, total size 1 kb.

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Post contains 206 words, total size 1 kb.

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Posted by: marwickkgp at 06:26 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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September 04, 2014

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Foreign famous film star red bottom shoes for women Marilyn Monroe once said, give her a pair of high heels, she can conquer the world, this sentence listen exaggerated, but also reflect a woman from another side of high heels hot, and the changes brought by the high heels for women. So, women like wearing high-heeled shoes what are the reasons? A, let the body more long thin, chest and hips are marked, tall and straight up immediately. Second, modify crus lines, a lot of women are plagued by his calf with flesh is so ugly, and after wearing high heels, as the growth of the time, because of the calf muscle has been hard, will slowly become strong thin. Third, improve the temperament, because the whole person spirit cheap red bottom shoes immediately after wearing high heels, walk also swaying posture, charming enchanting.

Scorpio female character, enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained, dare to love dare to hate, shape is more hot,red bottom shoes even if the height is general, also absolutely concave and convex have send, they almost love for high heels to bones, from time to marvel at the world how can have such a mysterious and elegant, beautiful and noble things, put it on after the little ugly duck will immediately become a swan, and was full of feminine Scorpio women after wearing red bottom shoes for men high heels are more posture is graceful, striking.

Taurus woman generally are not particularly tall, but they themselves but love and envy height, slender girl, that's because the Taurus woman that can only be perfect on top of the tall figure clothes,red bottoms shoes wear out momentum over short girls, therefore, the height is not enough high heels will come in handy at this time, in Taurus female point of view, 6 cm, to 10 cm shoes is best for you, come out both the power and prestige eight sides, turn not walk again. In addition for Taurus female type that career women, high heels in the market place especially increasing your aura and temperament of the brucegmusic.com baby, so as long as it's not at home, the Taurus woman will be wearing high heels.

Posted by: marwickkgp at 07:15 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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August 19, 2014

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Extracted from Angelina jolie red bottom shoes movie "sleeping demon" inspiration, and create high heels in Christian Louboutin store sales. Recently, the red carpet, the Hollywood actress Angelina jolie always wore Christian Louboutin tailored for her "sleeping demon" version brucegmusic.com of the red shoes.

Teacher through their sets said, the creation of this pair of shoes is inspired by Angelina jolie Hollywood movie "sleeping cheap red bottom shoes demon" role. Fashion designers to authority website WWD said: with a have their own aesthetic view of people working together, it is very exciting. Fabrics is red and black patent leather high heels, will be on October 21, in the Christian Louboutin global stores accept reservations. And official said, the shoes of the red bottoms shoes profits will be as a charity, donated to the SOS children, to help children who abandoned her family.

Actually sleeping demon "in the red bottom shoes for women film during the hit, jolie also cooperate with designer Stella McCartney, launched a series of children's clothes, this series of children's clothing was branded a Maleficent (Angelina jolie's name in the movie), children's clothing is suitable for aged 4 to 14, according to men and women of different eight models to choose from. Price between $75 to $185. Stella McCartney said: I also cheap red bottom shoes grew up watching Disney movies, when have the opportunity to cooperate with Angelina, I'm really excited.

Posted by: marwickkgp at 03:32 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 04, 2014

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Working is for beautiful life, deeply loves the life of the white-collar red bottom shoes women at work will also allow yourself to enjoy life. Stamped on the high heels, and transform model, no beauty. This kind of sandal shoes slender, as delicate, simple design, elegant radian, put it on,red bottom shoes for men 1 second, feminine flavour is full!

Love fashion (weibo) must have to close the Giuseppe saro first Design red bottoms shoes(spike-heeled Giuseppe Zanotti Design) the brands are familiar, star red carpet hate day is high, the tide of people taking snapshots of leisure sports shoes can all see it. In April, and also confirm the purchase of moet hennessy Louis vuitton (LVMH) 30% of its red bottom shoes for women shares, spike-heeled Giuseppe Zanotti thus became the Nicholas Kirkwood after another designer shoes brand in the phase of moet hennessy Louis vuitton (LVMH).

Spike-heeled Giuseppe Zanotti shoes with a fulfillment of "fairy" title, brand spirit has always been art spirit and music, cheap red bottom shoes rock, using imitation gemstones snake, dragon totem into sexy codes, convey both wild and fierce Italian sex appeal is strong, the heel is also surprisingly high; In recent years, of course, the brand launched by the flat shoes and comfortable sandals are hot. Designer spike-heeled Giuseppe Zanotti think shoe factory is like a fashion house, not dull cheap shoes manufactured by industrialized mass production, but provide a base for every elegant woman shoes. 100% hand made shoes, brucegmusic.com and haute couture's exclusive services makes spike-heeled Giuseppe Zanotti has always been a fashionable child stars and celebrities.

Posted by: marwickkgp at 08:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 269 words, total size 2 kb.

July 29, 2014

The standard of a good pair of shoes

Women want to be a high cold, it is very important to choose color,red bottom shoes if you want to cool the summer, white dress don't like it, so in deserve to act the role of fluctuation kongfu has become an important part of fashion collocation of a contradiction by white high red bottom shoes for men heels may change your mind, classical joker, relaxed and starting with the feet.

Whether to go to work, go shopping or traveling, a pair of shoes to red bottom shoes for women fit is particularly important, it can reduce wear and tear, foot to avoid cause other medical problems. Recently, the "Japanese economic news" published expert advice, teach you how to choose shuangyou brucegmusic.com quality shoes.

Japanese emperor Beijing university school of medicine affiliated hospital orthopedic surgeon printing south health red bottoms shoes pointed out that the shoes don't fit, after a long time can lead to thumb hallux valgus, toenail foot problems such as deformation, long corns, even can cause back pain and knee lesions, etc. Feet and walk in yokohama,cheap red bottom shoes director of the institute, a physical therapist GuCheng stressed that the shoes don't fit me will disturb the body center of gravity, lead to imbalance in the body, the pace of disorder, is causing many body the crux of the problem.

Posted by: marwickkgp at 06:20 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 231 words, total size 2 kb.

July 25, 2014

The red bottom shoes magic charm

French famous shoes luxury brand Christian Louboutin (  red bottom shoes ) with its trademark "red bottom" known to the public. Its design of chic women's shoes and sexy, very foil leg ministry line, therefore sought after by many stars red bottom shoes for men and celebrities.

Speaking of luxury high heels, you must have thought about the Christian Louboutin red bottom shoes or Jimmy Choo, Roger took, then to study fashion people will know sergio rossi and Manolo blahniks, spike-heeled Giuseppe zanotti. In the fashion of undiscovered talent, some wonderful is you red bottom shoes for women never touch. As Britain's charlotte Olympia, a spider web on the soles of the brand. It's shoes is full of interesting ideas, those so you never expect elements should naturally climb up their shoes.

In red soles for the famous brand of luxury brand Christian Louboutin shoes has been popular in the world. From cheap red bottom shoes British fashion designer Victoria Beckham to talented singer lily Allen, on the red carpet at the foot of the ubiquitous actress who flashed a bit red, "the red shoes" by the big stars and fashion celebrities to brucegmusic.com chase after hold in both hands.

Posted by: marwickkgp at 06:00 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 206 words, total size 2 kb.

July 22, 2014

All kinds of style fashion high-heeled shoes

High-heeled shoes is a shoe heel is higher than ordinary shoes, red bottom shoes will make people wear the shoe heel is significantly higher than the toes. High-heeled shoes have many different kinds of styles, especially on the change of the red bottom shoes for men heel is very much, such as the heel, thick with, wedge heel, hammer type and type, hammer type with, knives, and etc. High heels in addition to increasing height, more important is can increase allure. High heels make a woman stride length reduced,red bottoms shoes because the center of gravity back, legs are straight, before shrinkage, chest and hip is pretty, the woman standing, walking posture is full of charm, alluringly and charm arises at the historic moment

In the world of high heels Christian Louboutin this brand is absolutely impossible to ignore the Frenchman. Actually,red bottom shoes for women don't think also ignore, this brand of red to no, female stars that under your feet put red more directly hold your line of sight. The sole design is too smart, "catch" the selling point for a turn-on, sexy and very narcissism very frowsty coquettish, imagine

In the world of high heels Christian Louboutin this brand is absolutely impossible to ignore the Frenchman. Actually, cheap red bottom shoes don't think also ignore, this brand of red to no, female stars that under your feet put red more directly hold your line of sight. The sole design is too smart, "catch" the selling point for a turn-on, sexy and very narcissism very frowsty coquettish, imagine a man with her red soles, the line of sight, women would very willing to pay. It's another benefit is let female stars free advertising. See is the Christian Louboutin red sole, brucegmusic.com and its high degree of recognition so high, there is no need to find a logo. But the dress up this shoes also is some famous stars, each pair starts at $500. Daunting with high heels, between 5-6, basic don't need to wear the shoes of people walk. They need - easily create beautiful leg.

Posted by: marwickkgp at 06:01 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 355 words, total size 2 kb.

July 21, 2014

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In recent years, more and more fashion people choose wearing red bottom shoes New Balance (New Balance sneakers, originally ordinary shoes also gradually get attention. In 2013, putting the Victoria (Victoria phenomenon) of the custom fluorescent green Nike trainers of photograph, more red bottom shoes for men m ake sports shoes become a fashion symbol. Chanel (Chanel) 2014 fashion conference, galeries lafayette Karl Lagerfeld (Karl unabashed Lagerfeld) also used many times, the lace-up shoes and boots elements.

Rolled the dior Fusion trainers sneakers by its artistic director Ralph cheap red bottom shoes Simon (Raf Simons) to design, in the design of shoe money into Ralph Simon beloved flowers elements, with hand embroidery craft and metal bead piece elements, both elegant and fashionable breath.

Dior rolled the sneakers in popularity at the same time, also has red bottom shoes for women been questioned by many people. Some people think that dior shoes design exquisite fashion, will become the latest must-haves in the burgeoning luxury shoe money, but some also questioned this sneaker design cheap red bottom shoes alternative, the price is too high, practicality is not strong.

The shoe money issued in 2014 autumn winter haute couture fashion week in Paris,brucegmusic.com London, Sloan Street (Sloane Street), Bond Street and Bond Street boutique stores, sells for 740 pounds (about 7800 yuan).

Posted by: marwickkgp at 06:18 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 223 words, total size 2 kb.

July 18, 2014

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High-heeled shoes is a symbol of sexy, beautiful leg and high-heeled shoes, don't attract eyeball. Women wear high heels, red bottom shoes the pelvis will forward, gravity line forward, in order to maintain stability, certainly will take hold out a bosom, waist and back and ass posture to reestablish equilibrium, of the female curvaceous and therefore get the best display. After wearing high heels, accelerating red bottom shoes for men the whole spinal degenerative changes in human body, maintain excessive and persistent after stretch of the lumbar spine, waist is in a state of tense contraction and long-term strain of lumbar muscles.

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Posted by: marwickkgp at 06:47 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 314 words, total size 2 kb.

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